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Texas Hookers is gear for people who actually fish, imagine that! Companies today sell a brand to show off, not a tool to be utilized. We believe in products that help you achieve two goals. Catching fish and showing Texas pride.


We started by making handmade lures in the garage for our friends and family in 2012. When the word spread about the quality and craftsmanship people started buying them all over the state. Today every handmade lure still takes over 20 hours to make with no two ever being the same. This ensures every lure is a one of a kind, personalized tool waiting to be added to your arsenal. They are a piece of art to be used not just set up to be seen.

We host local kayak tournaments to promote the way of life we love and to teach that way to the next generation. We found most of the large tournaments were often intimidating to outsiders and not as fun as fishing is supposed to be. We want everyone to feel comfortable being a part of our family and have pride in being a Texas Hooker!


Had a great time on Lake Austin with the


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